Subject: Re: Newbie question
To: None <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/28/1997 11:50:59
At 02:30 PM 10/27/97, wrote:
> OK, I hate to sound stupid, but I have absolutely no experience with a
VAX. I am a typical Novell/NT kinda guy, however I was recently given a DEC
11/730 VAX. So basically here are my questions...
> 1) Can NetBSD run on an 11/730?
> 2) Is this worth the time to set up for NetBSD?
> 3) What are some good refrences for getting familiar with the machine.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Daniel
Mouse is right on the space heater thing however, I can say that I have one
running ultrix here and it is a lot of fun to play with. I have not yet
figured out how to compile NetBSD on it yet mainly because of several other
projects ahead of that one. I posted to the list several months ago and it
apears there are a few other people that own 11/730's, so it might be
possible to get enough interest to do something with these old machines.
Other possibilities are to get a copy of Ultrix in the right format for your
machine (most likely 9 track mag tape). Ragge
(the port maintainer) suggested I look at using the original BSD light (4.4
I think).
Rick Copeland
Rick Copeland