Subject: Re: VaxStation 4000 model 60
To: NetBSD/VAX Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/10/1998 01:55:24
On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Allison J Parent wrote:
> <The MicroVAX II can manage an impressive 628.88 keys/sec running the
> <RC5 v1 client, and the dhrystone number is right around 1400. Plus you
> At 1400 how does that compare to intel processors?
The bit you've quoted me on is meant to be somewhat sarcastic. Actually,
the 1400 number should be corrected. Recompiling with -O2 gave me 2262.
For comparison, my modest if not outright obsolete P75 runs the same
benchmark at 142857, so it's about 60 times faster. A 386DX/40 was right
around 22000, and a 68040/25 NeXT is at 29411. But benchmarks are very
much open to interpretation, unless of course this difference is by say a
factor of 60 :-) Even a 386DX/16 would likely fair well against a
MicroVAX II with the dhrystone benchmark. But I've a feeling that floating
point ops would be a strong point for the MicroVAX II, and my gut also
tells me that it will handle heavy process loads better.
I used to have a copy of Livermore loops laying around. I wonder how that
would do on the various VAXen? Hmmmm... <dig dig rummage dig>.
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!