Subject: Re: Hmm... supported machines question...
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allison J Parent <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/13/1998 15:27:10
<Don't suppose NetBSD/vax runs on the Micro-PDP, hmm? My boss as two of
No, not likely while the PDP-11 is subset of vax it's different.
<these gathering dust in BA23 enclosures.Don't know what type of CPU it
<is, doesn't have the memory interconnect cable, just the two back-panel
Could either be PDP-11/23 or 11/73 both are nice Qbus PDP-11s but unless
someone does a 16bit port (netbsd vax is a 32bit port) your out of luck
here. Checkout ELKS as porting that 16bit code to a PDP-11 might be
doable. You would need some tools to do it.
I wish there was a PD *nix port for PDP-11s.