Subject: Re: An MV3100/KA41 question
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/19/1998 20:16:53
Dear Thordur,
Thanks for the document #s! You wrote:
> Certenly 50p Centronics connector [...]
This is very strange. In my VS3100s M38s the external SCSI connector is
the funny one that I have described before. The whole SCSI subsystem is on
the mass storage controller daughterboard, which is designed so that it
can't have any other type of connector. I have thought that this same
daughterboard design is used in all KA41 and KA42 systems, and even in
KN01s (DS2100/3100), and therefore all these systems have those funny
connectors. Antonio! Would you please enlighten us?
Michael Sokolov
Phone: 440-449-0299
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