Subject: Re: difference KA650-AA and KA650-BA
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/19/1998 20:18:02
Dear Antonio,
Thanks for clarifying this CPU ID thing! Our earlier arguments about
whether MV3100 M10/10e/20/20e should be called KA420 or KA41, and whether
MV3100 M30/40 should be called KA44 or KA45 are a result of me relying too
much on these IDs. While we are at it, could you tell me the correct system
board numbers for MV3100 M30+ and VS4000 systems? MV3100 M30/40 is KA45,
right? Is VS4000 VLC also KA45? Are MV3100 M80/85 and VS4000 M60 KA46 or
something else? MV3100 M90 is KA50, right? Is VS4000 M90 also KA50? You
were saying that there is no KA44. But where does the number "44" come from
then? VMS identifies MV3100 M30/40 and VS4000 VLC as "44", and memory
modules for all MV3100 M30+ and VS4000 models are called "MS44".
> Since writing to the console differs depending on whether the console is
> graphics- or serial-based, VMS uses different load images in the two
> cases [...]
Hmm... According to that same FAQ, VMS identifies MV II, VS II, and VS
II/GPX all as "UV2", while MV 3 and VS 3 receive different treatment ("650"
vs. "65D"). What's so different between KA630 and KA650 in this area?
> Nope - the KA650 scans the Q-bus and if it finds a QVSS or QDSS, it uses
> it as a graphics console.
> Making a VAXstation 3 out of a MicroVAX 3 is always the same: add a VCB01
> or VCB02 (actauuly, I'm not certain that a VCB01 always works ...). There
> is no trick with shorting pins here and there, that's just for the
> MicroVAX/VAXstation 2000.
Interesting. But all MV IIs that I have seen use BCC08 for the console
cable, so I'm assuming that it's the official one for MV II. And BCC08 is
exactly what many people use to short pins 8 and 9 on KA410! It looks like
you do need to short these pins on KA630 to select the serial console. Is
this a difference between KA630 and KA650? But I have always thought that
MV/VS IIs in BA23 and BA123 boxes upgraded to MV/VS 3/3+ continue to
function in the console area in exactly the same way as they had before the
upgrade. Is this not true? Would you please enlighten us?
Michael Sokolov
Phone: 440-449-0299
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