Subject: MV3100m20e - some problems I notice using NetBSD1.3
To: port-vax@NetBSD.ORG <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thordur Ivarsson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/24/1998 12:31:04
I have two rz56 disks (665MB) when they are connected the system does
not boot.
When I try to access TZ30 tape station the system freezes. Different
errors are encountered but here are som of the versions:
tar to tape : incomplete DMA
tar to tape : just freezes, just moves the tape for a while.
cat from tape : just frezes, just moves the tape for a while.
When I connect TLZ04 to the system, all the dev entrys for tape directs
for TZ30 drive.
Thanks in advance
Þórður Ívarsson Thordur Ivarsson
Rafeindavirki Electronic technician
Norðurgötu 30 Nordurgotu 30
Box 309 Box 309
602 Akureyri 602 Akureyri
Ísland Iceland
FreeBSD has good features,
Some others are full of unwanted features!