Subject: Re: Ahh, fudge. Now the drive's dead.
To: Daniel A. Seagraves <>
From: Boris Gjenero <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/27/1998 18:23:47
Daniel A. Seagraves wrote:
> Now that I've found out what the disklabel problem was, the drive's died.
> It spins up, reaches top speed, and spins down again.  CYcling the power to keep it spinning doesn't help.  Bets are I've nuked the timing track.
> Does this sound familiar to anyone?
> This is an RD53.
> It's in a uVAX 2000.
> -------

Yeah, it sounds very familiar.  If you really feel like reading more
about it, check 
the following URL:
BTW.  Those drives I hacked are still fully operational.

Oh, and about the timing track:  An RD53 which can't lock onto those
signals will stay spun up for a bit (tens of seconds), pulsing the motor
and roughly keeping the speed in the correct range while trying to
lock.  If it fails to lock onto the signal it eventually gives up and
spins down.

Anyways, I think you should give up on trying to put NetBSD onto that
RD53 on your VS2000.  From the "Command 0xNN completed with status 0xNN"
messages in your previous messages it seems to me that you have bad
sectors and since there is no bad sector replacement you won't be able
to use that drive.  Netboot the VS2000 instead.

|  Boris Gjenero <>              |
|  Home page:     |
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