Subject: Re: SCSI on Q-bus
To: Andy Sporner <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/05/1998 20:37:35
On Thu, 5 Feb 1998, Andy Sporner wrote:

> Second, it seems funny that the people that are advocating NFS mounted
> ROOT filesystems and NFS Swap seem to be the same people against IDE
> drive!?  What is wrong here? 

Well don't count me in that group. I'm all for diskless workstations from
a convenience standpoint, performance is weak.  But I'm definitely for an
IDE Q-bus card.  I think SCSI has it's technical merits, but I think a
brain-dead PIO IDE controller is completely acceptable.  It'd be a great
way to test run the possibility of creating Q-bus cards within the
port-vax group.  I'm sort of skeptical that we can actually create a
useable card cheaply.  But if we can do IDE, then maybe we can consider
moving on to bigger and better things like SCSI... or hell, maybe even a
new ethernet device... Or a SCSI/IDE/ethernet combo controller... Or how
about a simple graphics board that we can actually code a driver for, and
that would drive a standard SVGA monitor :-) 

Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!