Subject: Re: Retrocomputing, VAXen, and NetBSD
To: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
From: Jacob Suter <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/07/1998 22:19:03
>    NetBSD/vax is certainly unfit for this purpose, but VAXen themselves
> are. As long as you use a real OS. Hey, this is essentially what I'm doing:
> a 10000-user campus is just as demanding as a company, if not more.

Plainly not true.  I've seen the most piss poor networks at local
schools.  Total network & server mismanagement (plus, who the hell would
run an Alpha 100 or 166 with VMS to support 400+ simultanious
connections and around 12,000 total users - its slow as dirt)

>    P.S. Saying "ARPA Internet" is one of the ways in which I communicate my
> inclination for professional retrocomputing to others. And I do miss it a
> lot. Free IPs and domains, no Netscrap, no Web sites even... *sigh*

DS1 backbones, DS0's feeding entire campuses - one porn pic would lag
out the whole network for 10+ seconds...  No thanks, not again.  As for
Free IPs, thats still here (don't get me started on ARIN, the rip-off
bastards of the Internet, who have no legal right to anything but claim
you must buy them off to get anything), Graphics browsers were being
developed many years ago, and http is well, lame - whats so fun about
telnet and ftp anyways?

I really really don't want to have to think about uucp again... :)