Subject: Re: A modest proposal
To: John Wilson <>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/10/1998 08:08:41
> deleting everything with "sokolov" in the return address it still takes me
> quite a while to work my way through my incoming mail and sort it all out,
> it would be great to clump the port-vax stuff together.
Please don't slam me for this, but this is my personal experience..
(yes I have seen the procmail source code and it tends to make you
weep.. )
But still:
procmail is your friend :-)
You can:
- automatically block those 'unwanted' messages
- let it distribute different emails across different
mailboxes. I get all may mailing lists in separate
boxes.. Much easier to read.
For all you 'multiple-large-mailing-lists-in-my-inbox' types it's
quite nice (to put it mildly)
Bye Arno.
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