Subject: Re: Cross-pollinating VAXen
To: None <, port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/01/1998 11:08:24
J. Buck Caldwell <> wrote:
> I've got these two MicroVAX 3600's - which aren't so Micro
I agree!
> - and was wondering if I could take the
> CPU/MEM and put them in the BA123 I've got at home in place of the MVII
Yes! That's exactly what I plan to do myself. ANY Q22/LMI (local memory) CPU
can be plugged into ANY Q22/CD backplane. That's the whole point of standards.
KA630, KA640, KA650, KA655, and KA660 are all Q22/LMI CPUs. By a Q22/CD
backplane I here mean one that has at least a few Q22/CD slots at the
beginning, so BA123 qualifies as a Q22/CD backplane here. The only caveat is
that since it has only 4 Q22/CD slots, you can have only 3 memory modules,
while KA650/655/660 itself supports 4.
> Also, will the
> BA123 CPU Bulkhead adapter work with a KA650?
> The connecters LOOK the same, but...
They are the same.
> Also: Can a KDA50 and RQDX3 co-exist in the same backplane?
Assuming that both controllers are properly designed (not like, say, RQDX1/2),
yes. You only need to set the DIP switches on them correctly, so that they have
different CSR addresses.
> Also: Anybody have a RA90 Fault Code list/Hardware manual?
No, sorry.
Michael Sokolov
Phone: 440-449-0299
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