Subject: Re: Forbidden subject?
To: Christopher Sekiya <>
From: Mats O Jansson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/12/1998 12:55:30
On Sun, 12 Apr 1998, Christopher Sekiya wrote:
> So, are questions about the VAXStation 4000 architecture off-limits? I
> asked a question nigh on a month ago regarding docs on the hardware so
> that I could do a port, and as yet I've had no response ...
> ... then another fellow asked a similar question last week, and I've not
> seen a response to his question either.
I think you should take the lack of response as "We don't know, we have no
information about VS4000".
> I've got the box. I've got the desire, time, and ability to make it work.
> I just need to know how this box differs from the VS2000. Does _anyone_
> have hardware docs on the VS4000?
You are talking about VS4000 as if it was one kind of hardware. It isn't.
The two I have been looking at is VS4000/30 (aka VS4000/VLC) and VS4000/60,
they are different implementations.
VS4000/30 is in the same family as MV3100/30 and MV3100/40 (KA440).
VS4000/60 is in the same family as MV3100/80 (KA46).
When I have been looking at them it has been from the MV3100 side, since
that is what I have access too. I have some information needed for KA440
but not all. I have almost none information about KA46.
> ( ... I'd even appreciate a "no, we don't have docs/don't care about a
> port, go away please" sort of response.)
Don't expect answers from a mailing list :-) Just looking at myself, I
only answer questions I think is intresting. A normal week i get circa
1000 mails, it's not possible to answer all...
> -- Chris
Mats O Jansson. Managing AIX systems at, but not speaking for:
CelsiusTech AB, Jaerfaella, Sweden. You may not add me to a commercial
mailing list or send me commercial advertising without my consent!
"Something must be wrong when a goldfish commit suicide" Godley & Creme