Subject: RE: VS2000 tests and other oddities?
To: 'Brian D Chase' <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/1998 03:13:59
Brian D Chase wrote:
> I was poking around for various test numbers and letters on a 
> VS2000 when
> I came across the most interesting test 90.  It obviously has 
> to do with
> stats on the ethernet device, but is there anything else it does?

I got this through someone on this list, I think, but now I can't
remember who or where or ... aarghh! my mind is going! ....



The power-up testing and "console-mode" utilities for the 2000's.

KA410-A V1.2

*	KA-410-A is a multi-user, uVAX2000 system. -B is the single user
*	VAXstation 2000. V1.2 is the ROM rev level. NB for VAXstation
*	4- or 8-plane graphics board, v2.1 is required.
*	In the count-down a "_" means the thing wasn't found for test.
 ?  E  0040  0000.0005		< clock battery need charge.
 ?  C  0080  0000.4001		< odd-ball terminal as console(I get it 
		with a Rainbow used as console,but it works just

If you type T 50 at the >>> prompt should get a display like: 
KA410-A V1.2           
ID 08-00-2B-07-3A-02
*	the ID above is the ethernet hardware adress.
?? MONO	    0001.F002
*	the base (mono) video option. Naturaly not found on a microVAX,
*	only a VAXstation.
 ? CLK      0000.0005       
*	This is saying that the battery which maintains the clock has
*	out of electricity... leaving the Box powered-up for 24 hours 
*	should get a display:
   CLK      0000.0001	which is the healthy sign.

   NVR      0000.0001       
*	the Non-Volatile Read-only memory is healthy.
 ? DZ       0000.4001       
      00004001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000

*	the DZ display's six eight digit numbers refer to the 4 serial 
* lines, the keyboard, and the mouse or tablet.
*	A uVAX2000, should always show 00000000 00000000 as the last two

*	numbers.
   MEM      0006.0001       

*	the .0001 means that the MEMory is healthy, the 0006, and the 
*	00600000 both tell you the box has 6 meg of memory. N.B. this is
*	hex.  If the first line,second half, is not .0001, there will be
*	a second eight digit number on the second line telling you the 
*	details of the memory fault.
   MM       0000.0001       
*	Memory management
   FP       0000.0001    
*	Floating Point   
   IT       0000.0001 
*	Interval Timer      
   HDC      7770.0001       
      00000000 00000000 00000000

*	the Hard Disk Controller is healthy, but it can't see any disks
*	which is recognizes as ready to use. Where it does see disks,
*	the second line shows their size (in Hex) inorder DUA0,DUA1,DUA2
*	RD32's=40Mb or 146B8,RD53's=71Mb or 22000, RD54's=159Mb or 4C437
*	RX33's are either 1200KB or 960, or, if using RX50's, 400KB or
   TPC      0202.0001       
*	the tape-drive port is healthy and it sees a good TK50-z drive
*	talk to.
   SYS      0000.0001       
*	Main system test is OK.
   8PLN	    0000.0001  V1.4    
*	the test found a healthy 8-plane graphics card, and Vx.x shows
*	version number.   Could alternatively be 4PLN for the 4-plane
   NI       0000.0001 V1.3
*	a healthy ethernet card was found, with its version number. 
*	Note, there must be a terminator, or a terminated ethernet cable
*	for the card to test healthy.

Test 51 sets the NVR default Boot device.
	Valid choices may be DUA0,DUA1,DUA2 (Disks,where available),
		MUA0 (Tape) or ESA0 (Ethernet) also .... means no
You type in T 51 and the reply shows the current setting, youi then type
what you want it changed to.

>>>T 52
   .... ? >>> DUA1             This changes No Default, (....) to Disk

Should you want to clear the default back to none, enter only one

Test 52 sets the NVR default Boot flags.
Test 53 sets the NVR default recovery action flags.
Test 54 sets the keyboard language.

Tests 60,61, and 62 are only used on a VAXstation where no graphics card

T 60	- Displays alignment circle and cross hatch
T 61	- Displays a screen full of Es
T 62	- Displays a white screen

To run the hard disk formatter :
>>> T 70
                  KA410-A RDRXfmt
VSfmt_QUE_unitno (0-2) ? 0
VSfmt_STS_Siz .??
VSfmt_RES_ERR #2
 84 FAIL

Note 1. The T 70 format is not a valid option to format an RX50 floppy,
but _is_ valid to format an RX33 floppy.

Note 2. The T 70 format utility will format non-Digital disks, but will
go into a series of questions for which you need the appropriate

Sample follows:-
How to Format a Non-Digital Hard Disk

If the hard disk installed on your system is not a DIGITAL disk, or if
it is a hard disk that the formatter program doesn't recognize, the
formatter goes into a query mode.  This query mode allows you to input
specific data about the drive so that the format program can format the


To run the formatter, type "TEST 70" and "RETURN" at the console prompt
">>>".  The following text will be output to the screen:

     KA410-A RDRXfmt

     VSfmt_QUE_unitno (0-2)

To format the hard disk in the expansion box type "0" and "RETURN",
to format the hard disk in the expansion box, type "1" and "RETURN".

*N.B. I have entered numbers which are the published, presumeably
*numbers to format an RD32 (aka Seagate ST251). Some of these numbers
*easily obtainable, others.....well, I dunno where they come from.

If the hard disk is not recognized by the formatter routine, the
following output will be seen on the screen:

    VSfmt_STS_Siz............. ????             [unknown disk drive]

    VSfmt_STS_EntUIB     [formatter needs disk specific information]

At this point, the formatter is in the query mode.  It will ask for
specific information about the disk drive to be formatted.  All the
requested data can usually be found in the technical manual for the
drive in question.

Here is a brief explanation of the data needed to format the drive:

    xbnsiz :=54         [enter the number of transfer blocks]

    dbnsiz :=48         [enter the number of diagnostic blocks]

    lbnsiz :=83236      [enter the number of logical blocks]

    rbnsiz :=200        [enter the number of replacement blocks]

    surpun :=6          [enter the number of surfaces per unit]

    cylpun :=820        [enter the number of cylinders per unit]

    wrtprc :=820        [enter the write precompensation cylinder]

    rctsiz :=4          [enter the size of the revectoring control
                         table (RCT)]

    rctnbr :=8          [enter the number of copies of the RCT]

    secitl :=1          [enter the sector interleave]

    stsskw :=2          [enter the surface to surface skew]

    ctcskw :=9          [enter the cylinder to cylinder skew]

    mediai :=627327008  [enter the MSCP media ID]

*	Note this number is not dependant on disk geometry, but is the 
*	magic number for VMS to report on the type of disk.
*	627327008 = RD32, and 627327010 = RD33 (I think!)

At this point, the formatter exits the query mode.

The next output to the screen is:

     VSfmt_QUE_SerNbr (0-999999999)  [enter the serial number for
                                      the drive]
                                     [or enter a unique number
                                      for each unit]

     VSfmt_QUE_RUsure (DUAx 1/0) ?   [where x equals the unit number]
                                     [enter 1 for YES, 0 for NO]

The formatter is now running, and the output should look like:

     VSfmt_STS_RdMbb.............OK  [manufacturer's bad block located]

     VSfmt_STS_FMTing............OK  [disk formatted OK]

     VSfmt_STS_ChkPss............OK  [check pass completed OK]

     VSfmt_STS_BBRvec := x           [number of bad blocks revectored]

     VSfmt_RES_Succ                  [disk is successfully formatted]


At this point, the disk has been succesfully formatted, and the
console command prompt is displayed.

Note:- Another way of formatting an unknown disk is by use of either a
uVAX or PDP-11 with an RQDX-3 disk controller, and maintenance
software. The resulting format is acceptable to the 2000 box.

Also, RD52 = Quantum Q540,RD53 = Micropolis 1325,RD54 = Maxtor XT2190,
      RD31 = Seagate ST225,RD32 = Seagate ST251, RD33= Miniscribe 3085.

A related utility is T 71, which is the fixed disk verifier. This will
test (only for reading) a disk.

The tests of the 8n sequence are only applicable if there is a 4-plane
8-plane graphics option board present.

T 80	- Displays Circle cross-hatch (colour & mon monitors)
T 81	- Displays Screen full of Es (colour & mon monitors)
T 82	- Displays White screen (colour & mon monitors)
T 83	- Displays 4-bar colour bar
T 84	- Displays Red screen
T 85	- Displays Green screen
T 86	- Displays Blue screen
T 87	- Displays 8-bar clour bar
T 88	- Displays Gray scale (colour & mono monitors)

Test T 90 tests the Network (Ethernet).


Gunnar Helliesen   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway        | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2   | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)