Subject: Re: Problem netbooting 3100/76/SPX
To: NetBSD/vax Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/30/1998 12:33:13
On Tue, 26 May 1998, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> > I've had a short look into arch/vax/boot/if_le.c on multivac and this
> > detail seems to be missing in the standalone le-driver.
> This sounds like a reasonable problem. Has anybody ever netbooted a
> VS3100/m76??? If it can netboot with <16MB then it is real strange!
> The boot program has never had support for the diagmem area.
Okay, I've finally been able to look at this as I just got a VS3100/M76 up
and running. The problem is in fact with the current MOPable bootloader.
Bertram's version from a year ago does the job just fine. So if you're
bootloading a VS3100/M76, you'll have to use his modified bootloader until
Bertram's changes are rolled into the current version.
A copy of this older bootloader can now be had at:
I'll be adding it to the tar file of other the other loaders shortly. I
wonder how many people have run into difficulties over this? I think this
is the first time I've actually seen the problem mentioned on port-vax,
but certainly someone else has seen this?
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!