Subject: VS3100/M76 is FAST!
To: NetBSD/vax Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/30/1998 13:44:58
Wow, I just ran the obligatory Dhrystone benchmark on the VS3100/M76 and
this thing has some serious zing to it.
Machine NetBSD dhry/s dhry/s
Type version (no otp) (-O2)
------------ ------- -------- --------
MicroVAX II 1.3 1319 2242
VS3100/M38 1.3E 2325 3968
VS3100/M76 1.3 12195 20833
For comparison
i386DX/40 OpenBSD 12820 22727
I know, benchmarks aren't terribly accurate measurements of machine
performance as they're very specific and limited in what they're
representing, but benchmarks are fun.
I noticed the following during the boot of the NetBSD/vax kernel on
the M76:
cpu0 at backplane0: VAXstation 3100 model 76
clearing tags...
primary cache status: 21a<DPERR,HIT,REFRESH,ENABLE>
secondary cache status: ffe1<TPE,DPE,MISS,ENABLE>
So I imagine the presence of this cache helps out things a whole lot.
This also leads me to wonder now if the other VAXstation models have their
cache enabled? The M38 should be much closer to 8000-10000 dhry/s I would
think. I'll work on getting the numbers for the VS2000 as well.
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!