Subject: Help Save 4BSD Boot Tapes!
To: None <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/19/1998 07:40:34
I know this is the NetBSD Vax list but I am posting this here because I
believe that there are people on this list who may not have seen it and
could help!  After all this is from where our operating system came from.

Rick Copeland

>X-SMTP: helo from
server ip
>From: Warren Toomey <>
>Subject: Help Save 4BSD Boot Tapes!
>To: (PDP Unix Preservation)
>Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 21:12:17 +1000 (EST)
>Many kudos to Kirk McKusick for making the entire BSD releases from the
>Computer Systems Research Group available on CD. However, many people are
>going to buy the CD set so they can install 4.3BSD on their personal Vax.
>Unfortunately, the 4CD set from Kirk does not contain any tape images
>(bootable or otherwise) which would allow any of the 4BSDs to be installed.
>Therefore, I'm asking anybody who might have old 4BSD tapes lying in a
>corner, or knows someone who might have old 4BSD tapes (or has heard a
>rumor about old 4BSD tapes etc.) to e-mail me with the details.
>If we can unearth any old 4BSD tapes, then I am sure there will be
>volunteers around who will be very happy to read the tapes, and I will
>make space for them alongside the other files and tape images in the
>PUPS archive.
>While I'm here, I might as well say that I'm still looking for any old
>PDP-11 versions of UNIX, or any applications written for early versions
>of UNIX, or anything machine-readable which is generally related to
>early versions of UNIX. Debbie Scherrer has just donated the Software Tools,
>and both Dennis Ritchie and Norman Wilson are slowly scanning in their
>paper copies of man pages for UNIX Editions 1 to 5.
>Many thanks in advance for your help in preserving the history of Unix.
>	Warren