Subject: Re: q-bus finds
To: None <>
From: Jay Maynard <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/24/1998 09:20:07
On Thu, Sep 24, 1998 at 09:07:29AM -0400, Chuck Browne wrote:
> I have an exos 203 board in my microvax 3600. It's got an AUI connector on
> the front of it, and is an ethernet card. I had it working under VMS long
> enough to write boot tapes to load NetBSD.... Now, it seems useless to the
> machine.
I had one in my (long-dead, alas) NCR Tower XP. The board is going to be
useless to just about everyone except those who wish to run Excelan
software. It requires not only an OS driver, but also firmware downloaded
during initialization by the system - and neither interface is published.