Subject: Follow up: Emulex ESDI controller address settings
To: None <>
From: Sheila //or// Bob (depends on who's writing) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/11/1998 08:42:56
I managed to find the geometry on the Maxtor 4380E.
I have also managed to almost convince myself that the Emulex card might
be a DM02.
One obvious question I forgot - is anyone running one of these with
I have been doing some web searching to see what I might turnup, and
best bet is that it is a DM type of card (double), fairly sparcely
populated, nice little uncluttered design (compared to the RQDX3 chip
It has 3 connectors on the handle end - two control cable and one data
cable it looks like.
Thanks for any help!
real address is shsrms at erols dot com
The Herbal Gypsy and the Tinker.