Subject: Re: bootp support in kernel
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: None <penfold@customware.dyn.EZ-IP.Net>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/18/1999 13:24:05
> Whereas I'm in the boat (or raft) of people trying to figure out exactly
> what Michael means by there being problems with 10.* class A addresses and
> bootparamd.  :-/

The 'problem' actually turned out to be sdue to bootparamd on the alpha.
In debugging this 'problem' I noticed that the VAX was sending out 
packets destined for  This is obviously the 'correct' 
assumed broadcast address for a class A network but not necessarily
'correct' for a subnetted (or classless) network.

I;m still interested in a patched copy of bootparamd for the alpha.
Of course, when I get a kernel with bootp support, this ceases to be
an immediate problem, bu I have some Suns I'll be trying to boot
SunOS on shortly and I'll need it then...

> I use a subnet of 10.3.250.* at home and have never had any problems with
> using bootparamd from: i386/Linux, NeXTSTEP/m68k, NetBSD/i386,
> OpenBSD/i386, or NetBSD/sparc.  Someone had sent me bug report and patch
> for bootparamd running under Alpha/Linux, but I'm still trying to figure
> out where it's buried in my e-mail.
> -brian.
> ---

Damian MAxwell

> Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!