Subject: Re: 1.4 ALPHA and vs3100m76
To: Anders Hogrelius SdU <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/16/1999 02:41:57
> Hello all!
> Seems that the rom() option in boot is broken. The miniroot does
> not boot at all on my VS3100m76. Boot loads, but does not load
> any kernels at all. I tried "boot rom()netbsd.gz" and "boot
> rom()/netbsd.gz" but none worked. :-|
> Well, i'm not surprised. I guess the Vaxstation is going back to
> the store in the basement again...
That's sad. What was the result? Unfortunately I have difficult to
test the /m76, as known...
-- Ragge