Subject: Re: VAX 6310
To: Lord Isildur <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/04/1999 22:58:40
> > Yes, I have, but only under Ultrix though. It's a normal CVAX, like
> > the MV3900 or MV3100/m38. It has XMI bus, which is currently unsupported.
> > I have never tried to boot NetBSD on it, and it would be of no use
> > anyway because no peripherals would be supported...
> >
> > And yes, its rather big compared to a Vaxstation. About 5 feet high and
> > three feet wide. It uses 3-phase power.
> do they in the european flavor? i know in the US all DEC computers ran
> on ordinary 120V single phase, though some disks did require 3phase..
Yes, at least the 6210/6310 machines we have use 3-phase 380V.
-- Ragge