Subject: Re: Trying to boot 1.4 on a 750
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/24/1999 03:02:18
In article <H0000745013e9de3@MHS> writes:
>Anyone - Ragge: ?
>I am trying to boot NetBSD-1.4 on my ancient 750 -
>I have massbus fuji-eagle drives (2) and a TU81
>tape machine-
>My hp0 has BSD4.2 on it + the 1.3.2 NetBSD boot and
>edlabel utils -
>I have used the edlabel util to put a valid label on
>hp1 - where I want to install 1.4 NetBSD -
>When I boot the 1.4 miniroot - it finds both eagle
>drives during autoconfig, but says neither one has
>a vaild label (problem 1. - I expected at least hp1
>to show a vaild label here ...)
>When the sysinst program goes out to look for drives
>to do the install on - it prints 2 "hpioctl: 4116472"
>messages - which I have tracked down to the default
>clause in a switch(cmd) statement in hpioctl (in mba/hp.c)
>sysinst then says I have no useful drives for
>installation (problem 2)
sysinst tries to do ioctl DIOCGDEFLABEL which is not
supported by the hp driver. I think that your only
chance is to exit sysinst and from the shell use
disklabel to label hp1, and then proceed with the
installation manually. I think that the hp driver
does not know how to get the size of the disk (or
even if the hardware is capable of returning this
info), so you'll need to enter the right values.
I presume that since you used edlabel there should
be a valid label on the disk...
then newfs the filesystems, untar the sets and do
the necessary customizations. After you have the
system up, send a PR for the problem :-)