Subject: probs installing on VS3100 & uv II
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Mailing list <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/24/1999 02:15:13
I've checked the mailing lists, and other documentation bits, but can't
find the answer to this:

I wish to install 1.4 on both VaxStation 3100 and MicroVax II machines here.
Previously, in the vax-port list, someone else had asked the same question:

The boot image comes up, but is unable to find programs on the miniroot
image ("Program not found," or similar).   This goes for /netbsd, /netbsd.gz,
etc.  This happens when booting from both the RX23 and TK50 installation 
methods I've tried (both with RX23 and TK50 on two different 3100's,
and with TK50 on two different uVAX II's).

Is there indeed an issue preventing an install-from-scratch on these 
machines, or am I really missing something in how I'm installing?

Thanks in advance,
Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor     InterNet:
MRY Systems	,
Westlake Village, CA  USA		
    (Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
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