Subject: Re: 3100 console logon problems
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/24/1999 21:41:18
> I have mop booted a number of VS3100/38's and am having problems
> logging in during multi-user mode. The prompt returns "user not
> allowed to login from tty" or something similar after I type the
> password in. In single user mode there is no problem (of course).
> The login is being preformed from a laptop connected to the 3100's MMJ
> as per usual. I have done the appropriate entries to master.passwd
> and group. I get the same response when I try to telnet in >from a
> different computer.
> Any idea's as to what I have missed?
I would say, a little information in /etc/ttys, that NetBSD assumes the
tty as "secure". Root may not login from "insecure" terminals. Here is
what is looks for a network port, which i use most the time:
ttyp0 none network secure
So is done by default for the console:
console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown on secure
Maybe you don't log into the "console" but some standard tty. So just
enable the tty lines in /etc/ttys (think you did so) and make sure the
"secure" is appended to these lines.
I also got some problems with console, but never find the real reason,
it could be a problem with the console-related device nodes in /dev.
Just try to telnet the box via network, with the "secure" in some of the
"ttyp?" devices, it should work. Just put it into ttyp0 to ttyp7 and you
may log in 8 times :-)
Good luck... Michael