Subject: MVax II FOR FREE
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/27/1999 19:37:21
I am only relaying this message, please contact the poster.
On 1999-05-27 said:
bf>I have an old MVax II (630QE Rack Cab, (2) RA-90, (1) TK-50, (1)
bf>TS-05) that I need to move this weekend. I would like to find
bf>someone who can put this hardware to good use, because come Tuesday,
bf>it gets trashed. Do you know of anyone who would pick it up. It is
bf>located in Greenville, North Carolina and I have UNLIMITED Licenses
bf>for OpenVMS and DECNet in MY name that I will sign over. If
bf>interested, or know someone that is, they can reach me via pager
bf>during the day, as I don't check my e-mail that often at 888.511.
bf>8830 or in the evening at 252.974.0162
bf>I thank you in advance for you time,
bf>Brett A. Farnam
bf>Washington, North Carolina
Kees Stravers - Geldrop, The Netherlands -
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