Subject: Re: Floppy booting NETBSD 1.4 on VS3100
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/17/1999 11:46:19
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Michael Kukat wrote:
> > PS. I have several VaxStation3100 some with no M38-label on it and some
> > with. The one without, are those VaxStation3100/30 ?
> I had such a 3100 some time ago. It was a VAXstation 3100m30, and as i
> knoe they all are m30 or m40 (same machine, different enclosure), if
> there is no special model number.
> Difference to the m38: m30 is a bit slower (2.8 vs 3.8 VUPs), and
> maybe the onboard memory differs. (Can't say exactly, if mine had a 8
> MB or a 12 MB modules installed, it was 16 MB full RAM.)
The M30/M40 and M38/M48 can use the same memory boards, video boards, and
disk controller boards.
As far as I am aware, you can't successfully install NetBSD/vax 1.4 from
floppy on any of the VS3100 or VS4000 models. If anyone can prove
otherwise, I'm sure we'd be happy to hear about it :-)
The SCSI device support in general on the VS3100's is not satisfactory. On
my old and slow RZ22, RZ23, and RZ24 drives I can get a disklabel to take,
but it's impossible to get a newfs of any of the partitions to succeed.
Other people have had success with newer, better performing SCSI drives.
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!