Subject: Re: Summarisation on uvII/VS3100 booting
To: NetBSD Mailing list <>
From: NetBSD Mailing list <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/20/1999 22:02:44
<My own summaries deleted>
I received one private email to my posting to port-vax NetBSD list from
a particular person "chairing" a particular company making implied claims
to be carrying on the maintenance of CSRG's BSD distribution.
This wasn't enough to really provoke a response from me, but the fact
that this person pursued this claim with NetBSD-bashing quite annoyed
me. Etiquette prevents me from forwarding this email, but I can only
assume others have been privately contacted in order to disuade interest
in NetBSD (et al, I'm sure), and taking interested instead in the "only
real operating system" for the VAX.
I will refrain from rehasing my reply to this individual, except to
point out that the issue of the *BSDs is one of Free cost, Free code,
and popular development. I have absolutely no intention of forking
out $$$ for encumbered code that has been developed years ahead of
what CSRG finished with. (Bostic, you catching wind of these claims
of advocation? *GRIN*)
Regardless, let's not have a flamefest on this issue but just keep in
mind that this is a development pursuit here, and not one of Supremacy,
demands, and unpopular expectations.
I return you to my previous provocation in search of resolutions ;)
Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor InterNet:
MRY Systems,
Westlake Village, CA USA
(Skots Gregorijs Akmentins-Teilors -- just call me "Skots")
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