Subject: Re: Old VAX's in the Trash Heap.
To: Robert Current <>
From: Greg Ingram <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/02/1999 13:37:41
Hi Rob,
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Robert Current wrote:
> Hi,
> A guy here at work is throwing out some old VAX'es (Vaxi? ??),
> and
> I wanted to see if any were worth holding on to. I looked ovr the VAX
> info pages, and it wasn't totally clear to me what models these are, and
> what (if anything) I could expect them to be able to do running NetBSD.
What mine does is run NetBSD! It compiles programs and heats the room.
> VAX Station 2000 (Model No. VS410-BA) (one of these)
> MicroVAX II (Model No. 630QB-A2) (two of these)
> VAX Station (Model No. VX5XB-AA) (two of these)
> So, any of these worth playing around with?
To me, absolutely. I've got NetBSD running on a MicroVAX II. Actually,
it's a VAXstation II with a dead video card. If any of these do ever turn
to scrap I'd love the chance to get a replacement video card.
> Any idea what the
> model numbers mean exactly? Any of these capable of more than say, a
> i386SX?
I believe the pc phrase would be "differently capable". I think my uVAX
II is nimbler than the last 386-SX system I had running a freenix. And
since the wizards fixed that last paging problem it takes a power failure
to bring down the VAX.
Somebody else is sure to supply you with some technical specs. Or try
mucking about
- Greg