Subject: Re: uVAX II / singing disk
To: Greg Ingram <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/03/1999 22:22:58
Hi !
> Hmm... Shortly after telling people how wonderfully reliable NetBSD/VAX has
> been, the disk on my MicroVAX II (nee a VAXstation) started singing at me.
> It's the same song it sings when it's powered up. I got this from syslog:
> Nov 3 14:20:52 hephaistos /netbsd: ra0: not mounted/spun down
> Nov 3 14:20:57 hephaistos last message repeated 8 times
> Nov 3 14:20:57 hephaistos /netbsd: ra0: size 311200 sectors
> I hope it's not an oracle of impending platter death.
Sounds not that good. Check the power cables, if this doesn't work, just
remove the controller PCB from the disk, clean all contacts, and reassemble
the thing. But if some servo tracks get tired, you have bad chances. Don't
put important data onto this disk.
so long... Michael