Subject: Re: another happy scsi user!
To: None <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/05/1999 20:23:19
Hi !
On Fri, 5 Nov 1999 wrote:
> I pluged the GPX card in to the machine and it works. I can see the
> NetBSD bootloader, but after the kernel ist loaded there is no more
> output, of course. Some seconds later I see
> and the machine boots again and again...
> Shouldnt the machine boot and run headless? Or do I have to pull the GPX
> card, because SMG is disabled when GPX is connected? If I switch to the
> serial console everything works well.
When you connect a color framebuffer, the onboard monochrome is disconnected.
Try flipping over the little switch at the rear to set the serial console, then
it should run headless. If not, there may be a detection problem in the frame-
buffer stuff.
so long... Michael
--, Rottweil/Germany,
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