Subject: Re: DHCP server problems under NetBSD 1.4.1
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/06/1999 14:33:50
Brian D Chase writes:
> I've seen questions come up before on this, but I've not been able to
> figure out exactly what the problem is before and I'm certainly at a loss
> now. Basically, I've upgraded my NetBSD/sparc based bootserver from
> release 1.3.2 to 1.4.1. Nothing's changed at all except for the version
> of the OS, but now my BOOTP bootserving using the dhcpd daemon doesn't
> seem to be playing well with my VAX clients.
> Following the debugging traces from dhcpd, it's obvious that the daemon
> receives the request and it looks to be answering it. I know the
> bootloader is capable of receiving proper requests since it did under
> 1.3.2. Has anyone figured this particular problem out yet?
I have seen something similar with NetBSD/i386 as the dhcp server.
Try to reduce the options you are handing back to the bare minimum and
see if that works. (e.g. eliminate dns server(s), router, etc) Also,
I was having difficulties with the root path being too long, and ended
up with '/u0/vax' for the root directory. If you reduce the options
returned, the short path might not matter.
At some point with my Next I had to manually add the arp entry even
though it had successfully bootp'd an address.
I haven't had an opportunity to really try to track any of these things
down though. :)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.