Subject: Re: Unable to mount HD
To: Chris <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/03/2000 13:18:49
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Chris wrote:
> I'm trying to install NetBSD 1.4.1 on my uVAX II. Netbooting works
> fine, but the install tool and the Kernel are unable to mount the HD
> (Maxtor XT2190) connected to the RQDX3 MFM controller. The Kernel
> tells me the device is offline. Who can tell me how to fix this ? Any
> help/solution is appreciated. Thanks
First questions first... When you netboot the system, does the kernel even
detect the RQDX3 controller or the disk drive? (The drive would show up
as ra0, the controller as mscp0 I think.)
If neither device shows up, then I'd first suspect that the CSR which is
set on the RQDX3 may be something non-standard. Or unless you know
otherwise, you may not have bus continuity across the Q-Bus backplane.
This would also result in neither the controller or the drive being seen.
--- Brian Chase | | -----