, NetBSD VAX Port <port-vax@netbsd.org>
From: Chris <jcwunder@eikon.tum.de>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/03/2000 22:39:32
Brian D Chase wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Chris wrote:
> > I'm trying to install NetBSD 1.4.1 on my uVAX II. Netbooting works
> > fine, but the install tool and the Kernel are unable to mount the HD
> > (Maxtor XT2190) connected to the RQDX3 MFM controller. The Kernel
> > tells me the device is offline. Who can tell me how to fix this ? Any
> > help/solution is appreciated. Thanks
> First questions first... When you netboot the system, does the kernel even
> detect the RQDX3 controller or the disk drive? (The drive would show up
> as ra0, the controller as mscp0 I think.)
> If neither device shows up, then I'd first suspect that the CSR which is
> set on the RQDX3 may be something non-standard. Or unless you know
> otherwise, you may not have bus continuity across the Q-Bus backplane.
> This would also result in neither the controller or the drive being seen.
> -brian.
> --- Brian Chase | bdc@world.std.com | http://world.std.com/~bdc/ -----
The kernel detects the RQDX3 controller as mscp0, but it can't mount the ra0
drive (it knows there is a HD) and tells me the device is offline.