Subject: Re: Applixware for NetBSD (fwd)
To: ville hautakangas <vhautaka@cs.Helsinki.FI>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/14/2000 16:45:28
Hi !
On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, ville hautakangas wrote:
> > Is there ayet a setup (Dare I say NetBSD or otherwise, preferably free ..
> > :) ) that will allow me to setup a VS4000VLC as a diskless X-Terminal ?
> >
> > Any info would be aprecieated. I might find a good use for them .. :)
> I would use Ultrix or even OpenVMS on it, if I only had a display that
> would cooperate with it. The displays on VS2000 and VS3100 won't
> work :(
This is no problem, i have VMS running on my 4000VLC, because lack of cache
support and framebuffer support in NetBSD. The box doesn't really have use
with NetBSD for me, i have some more useful boxes for it. So it's my only
VMS installation here. Just take the hobbyist license and feel well.
> My 4000 (actually "my" 4000 since I don't officially own it, yet I have
> not heard from the guy who owns it for a year or something) has 16 MB
> ram, which should make it a really nice X terminal. And yeah, they
> seem to be SIMMs, so probably it could be fairly easily upgraded to
> 32 MB. Of course there has to be parity issues and such, but SIMM's
> are anyhow much easier to find than those evil memory boards
> in VS3100's.
It's indeed usual PS/2 memory modules with parity. 80ns is enough, so you can
put 4MB/parity into it, maybe bigger modules work, i never tested. But to use
it as an X-terminal might be impossible. NetBSD has no Framebuffer support,
Ultrix isn't made for 4000 series, and VMS, the only alternative, doesn't
support X11, if i know right. But this is a question to the VMS gurus. Maybe
it could work with UCX (newer just TCP/IP) installed.
--, Rottweil/Germany,
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