Subject: Re: uVax 3100/90 - whoops, wrong question
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/18/2000 13:00:19
On 17 Feb, Michael Kukat wrote:
> Is this also NVAX-based ? I'm just working on VAX 4000/500 and -/105A, maybe
> you can then recycle sume of the code, especially from the 105A, which might
> be very similar, if it's NVAX-based.
The 3100 model 90 is NVAX based. The 3100/90 is almost identical to the
VAX 4000 Model 100. The 4000 just had DSSI and QBUS added in. I expect
that this means that it is close, but not identical to the VAX 400 Model
Lloyd Parkes, Network Manager, School of Earth Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington