Subject: Re: netbooting a MicroVAX 3300?
To: None <,>
From: Sven Leser <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/22/2000 17:46:59
Ok sorry may be this is just an other newbie question....
I checked the page
and found out that the 3300 is supported, but I'm nor sure if my onboard
ethernet device is supported.
I'm even not sure if my disk is supported, I read on the page:
NetBSD: Can run NetBSD. (but DSSI not supported as of 1.4)
Is there an other kernel I could use?
Am Tue, 22 Feb 2000 schrieb
> On 20 Feb, Sven Leser wrote:
> > ?50 SCB2NDINT, ESA0
> > ?06 HLT INST
> The message SCB2NDINT is a sign of much unhappiness. I got this when I
> was mop booting the wrong software. I expect that you network boot
> configuration is fine, but your mopboot/kernel is incorrect in some way.
> Perhaps the files you have don't support the MicroVAX 3300? I am too
> lazy to check how long the 3300 has been supported.
> Cheers