Subject: Re: PC based VAX emulators? (free or commerical)
To: Brian Chase <>
From: Dan Kolb <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/01/2000 16:28:53
Brian Chase wrote:
> Does anyone know if there exists an PC based (Windows or DOS) VAX
> emulator? I got some e-mail from a professor in Solvenia looking to teach
> his students VAX MACRO, but they've no VAX, so he's looking for an
> emulator to use on their PCs.
> Barring the existence of a cost-effective emulator, maybe some of our
> Eastern European colleagues here can find an actual VAX system for his
> students to use? I'm assuming he'd want to run VMS on it in order to use
> the really nice MACRO assembler instead of the not-so-nice gas assembler.
> -brian.
> --- Brian Chase | | -----
> Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this? [ny] n
I've found one (some time ago) called evax. I'm not sure how good it is,
as I haven't installed it. It's Free (speech), and I've put the tgz of
the source and a gzip of the PDF manual at
The whole lot together is around 400k to download.
'Common sense is a set of prejudices built up over a lifetime'
--I reserve the right to be completely wrong about any comments or
opinions expressed--