Subject: Re: Build troubles...
To: None <>
From: Eric Smith <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/07/2000 21:53:02
> I don't think I was asking for too much here. I made a guess since
> I see so many questions about cross-compiling that somebody would
> have some first hand experience here.
If I'd had any clue and been able to offer a constructive answer, I would
have done so. I posted my comment only as a joke. I didn't intend
to give offense.
Seriously, though, the only constructive comment I can offer is that there
must be a list for NetBSD on the x86 somewhere, and it shouldn't be too
hard to subscribe and post. While there's certainly some chance that
someone on the VAX list might know the answer, I think you'd have much
better results on an x86 list. I'm not saying this because your post
was off-topic (although it was, as you said yourself), but simply because
I think you really are better off doing that.
Good luck!