Subject: Re: On the subject of postings
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/08/2000 14:11:11
>From: Andy Sporner <>
>Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 13:05:02 -0500 
>An old adage goes:  "If you don't anything constructive to say --then
>shut up!"  Same here. That goes to you MOUSE and some of the 
>other smart-xxxes. 

I was in the process of crafting a response to your message, when I
saw John Wilson's response.  His message was quite a bit more
civilized than mine, so I deleted most of my flame.  (Thanks, John.)

But Andy, I do want to point out that your personal attack on der
Mouse was *way* out of line.  Mouse has been a contributing member of
the NetBSD community for a very long time.  In my personal experience
he has always been exremely helpful and constructive -- his PPPoE code
was the primary reason I was able to convince one potential Linux user
to run NetBSD instead.  You may be unhappy that he directed you to
port-i386 instead of answering you off-topic post, but that does *not*
give you the right to verbally abuse him.

Please keep in mind that the people you're attacking are all
*volunteers*.  They give you a useful system to play with or work
with, and ask nothing in return except a civil tongue.

If you expect your project, or yourself, to earn any credibility in
the NetBSD community, you should start acting like a *community
member*.  Instead, you are acting like someone who called a technical
support hotline for a commercial product, and who didn't get any
support.  You won't get very far around here with that kind of
