Subject: Re: Setup question
To: Peter Joules <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/26/2000 03:19:19
>> Here's your problem!  Your boot loader is too old.

> The original version which I downloaded was 1.4.1 and the kernel I am
> running is 1.4T.  Is the bootloader from 1.4.1 already outdated?

It is with respect to anything much later than the 1.4 branch
point...1.4T is quite a bit later than that.

> If so, from where should I get a newer one, and how should I install
> it? make in sys/arch/vax/boot?  I'm sure someone will correct me
if that's wrong; it *is* just a guess.  I've never had a VAX up long
enough to do a full rebuild and reinstall.

					der Mouse

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