Subject: Re: VAX GKS Docs available
To: None <>
From: Mark Green <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/27/2000 11:14:48
> >I have a complete doc set for the VAX GKS software (whatever
> >the heck it is)
> Graphics Kernel System, maybe? Sounds dimly familiar from the Core
> graphics library for the Pro, unless I'm confusing it with something else.
GKS is a 2D graphics package developed in the late 1970s. It is
a vector based package, and based on display lists. It was later
replaced by PHIGS, which is a 3D grapics package. PHIGS and Core
have similar functionality, but are quite different in their internal
Dr. Mark Green
Professor (780) 492-4584
Director, Research Institute for Multimedia Systems (RIMS)
Department of Computing Science (780) 492-1071 (FAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Canada