Subject: Re: Where are the ports gone ?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/19/2000 01:45:28
>>> Hey, hey.  1.4.2 != -current.
>> Its very confusing,
> It's not too confusing once you get used to it.

Few things are.

> The 1.4.<n> releases are bug fixes on 1.4.


> The 1.4<letter> release are feature enhancement/development releases
> on the path to the next major release (i.e. 1.5).

Not quite - 1.4<letter> are not releases at all.  They are -current and
may not even *build*, never mind *work*.  (The letter is bumped
whenever kernel interfaces change, loosely speaking.)

					der Mouse

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