Subject: Re: autoboot [was RE: VS4000]
To: Mark Redding <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/24/2000 16:21:29
At 04:07 PM 4/24/00 , Mark Redding wrote:
>I posted earlier regarding my VS4000 and it's disk (an RZ23L). Okay this now works just fine, I've labelled the disk, installed a boot loader and installed the required .tgz files onto it.
>However, when I try to boot from the disk (B DKA300, rather than B ESA0) I am prompted with :-
You need boot blocks. I just updated the ones I put at
(this have the VS4000/60 & 90 timer fixes). Remember to copy
boot to /.
Matt Thomas Internet:
3am Software Foundry WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message