Subject: Re: autoboot [was RE: VS4000]
To: Mark Redding <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/24/2000 16:30:25
Good, if you had typed <CR> it should have booted immediately. In the mean
time there is a fresh boot (Ragge posted its location earlier) for the VLC
that will count down (I've tested it!). So presuming everything is ok, if
you type "B DKA300" and get the NetBSD vax/boot prompt, then press <enter>
(or <cr>) it should boot. If it breaks into the > prompt type "boot netbsd"
and it should continue booting. Once you get the new image for boot, copy
it to /boot and then the counter will work as you expect.
At 04:07 PM 4/24/00 -0700, Mark Redding wrote:
>I posted earlier regarding my VS4000 and it's disk (an RZ23L). Okay this now
>works just fine, I've labelled the disk, installed a boot loader and
>installed the required .tgz files onto it.
>However, when I try to boot from the disk (B DKA300, rather than B ESA0) I
>am prompted with :-
>>> NetBSD/vax boot [Mar 7 2000 04:32:44] <<
>>> Press any key to abort autoboot 5
>But the timer does not count down so the machine never boots.
>When I boot from the network I also get the same message, the difference
>here is that when I press any key it actually starts the netbooting process
>off. Pressing any key when trying to boot from the disk does as it says it
>will and aborts the boot leaving me at the '>' prompt.
>Suggestions to get my system to boot from disk ?
>Mark Redding
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