Subject: Re: qbus controler for RA81
To: None <>
From: Clint Wolff (VAX collector) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/03/2000 17:59:16
Hi Chris,
I have a couple of Systems Industries controllers that are attached to
Fujitsu M3377 (SMD) drives. These controllers (QDA50E) are in an external
box, and there is a dual height adapter card that plugs into the qbus. I
don't know what the interface for the RA81, but one of these might fill
the bill.
PS I'm looking for an 11/780 (hopefully in good condition) near
colorado... If anyone runs across one, let me know...
On Thu, 4 May 2000 wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently aquired a nice VAX11/750 system with two RA81. Unfortunately It
> doesn't have a ethernet controler so I can't netboot it in order to install
> NetBSD. Now I was wondering if it is possible to get a system image on the
> RA81 disks using my MVII system. But is there a qbus controller for a RA81 ?
> Any ideas/pointers are appreciated.
> Regards -- Chris
> --
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