Subject: Re: (Micro)VAX 4000/200 bootblocks
To: Jon Lindgren <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/08/2000 21:36:55
Hi !
On Mon, 8 May 2000, Jon Lindgren wrote:
> About the only thing which is flakey is the tk50, but I'm not sure if
> that's a general problem or a "it's time to clean the tape drive" problem
> ;-)
TK50 support is working... ok, mt doesn't know about the drive type, but the
tape is absolutely usable. /dev/rmt0 is the magic word to get everything of
it. If you get excessive errors on the tapes, you should rip off the light
barrier at the rear of the drive, blow lots of air into this part and the
rest of the mechanic, and reassemble the whole device. Then it plays like
new :-)
--, Rottweil/Germany,
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