Subject: Re: Howto install a KDA50
To: chris <>
From: Douglas Meade <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/12/2000 19:04:31
Now I can't seem to lay my hand on my photocopies, which I
told you I could send you. Well, I need to keep looking
through my pile...
> I found the following setting on the M7164:
> CLOSED jumpers: 5,6,8,9,10
> OPENED jumpers: 1-4,7
This is set for floating CSR address 160334. The jumpers form an
octal number. There should be a jumper labeled W1 to the left of
the switch box. Think of this as the lower-order bit for the 1st
digit, which may be 6 or 7. If it is closed, it is 7, open it is
6. The 1st three switches make the next octal digit, and so on.
Switch 10 makes the high-order bit of the last octal number, which
is all zeroes otherwise, and therefore may be 4 or 0. Your switches
can then be interpreted:
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (0 0)
0 3 3 4
I presume your jumper on W1 is off, making the first digit a '6'.
The default jumper settings for the board put it at address
72150, which would be the following settings: W1 closed,
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 (0 0)
If you still can't get the board to work, you may want to set it
back to the default.
> Do you know for what the second 40-pin port on the M7164 is ?
It is marked "test connector" in my book. I wouldn't worry about it.
> The 32-pin port for the latched cabels is on the M7165.
I'll try to raise some dust looking for the manual for you,
but now I've got it here at the office, so I can refer to it
if you have another question.