Subject: Re: VAX 4000-200 NetBoot
To: None <>
From: Hank Lee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/17/2000 02:17:25
thank you for your so uaeful information. With " show dev"
command I did see the MAC address of the ethernet card.
There are 5 bootable devices on the box

DIA0 (RFF31)
DIA1 (RF72)
DUA0 (RA81)
EZA0 (08-00-2B-1D-DC-29)

Besides "show dev" command, do you know any other commands
that can show

1. the size of memory in system
2. each harddrive size.
3. cpu type

for this system. Sorry, I am lack of manual for this sytem.
Appriciate your help.

Thank you

Hank Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck McManis" <>
To: "Hank Lee" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2000 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: VAX 4000-200 NetBoot

> Nice system Hank,
> At 10:58 PM 12/16/00 -0800, Hank Lee wrote:
> >Hi
> >I am new to this list and new to the system
> >I just got VAX 4000-200. Got couple of
> >questions:
> >
> >1. does NetBSD support this model or not
> >     (not sure what ios defferent from 4000/M200)
> Yes it is now supported with NetBSD 1.5! However, NetBSD does not
> support the on-board DSSI controller so if you only have DSSI drives
> connected to the CPU card then you can run diskless or find a DSSI
> controller for the Qbus.
> >2. If support, can I use to netboot to installation.
> >     or How can I know if it support netboot or not?
> Yes, you can netboot this system. To find its ethernet MAC address type
> "Show dev" at the console and write down the address.