Subject: Re: VAX 4000-200 NetBoot
To: Hank Lee <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/17/2000 11:57:13
At 02:17 AM 12/17/00 -0800, Hank Lee wrote:
>thank you for your so uaeful information. With " show dev"
>command I did see the MAC address of the ethernet card.
>There are 5 bootable devices on the box
>DIA0 (RFF31)
>DIA1 (RF72)

These two above are DSSI drives on the internal DSSI bus, can't be used 
with NetBSD yet.

>DUA0 (RA81)

This is a drive connected to a MSCP controller, it if isn't a CD-ROM then 
this is your best bet. However, since different drive types can't be mixed 
"inside" the 4000/200 cabinet (either BA440 or BA213) this means that there 
is either an external drive attached to this system (pretty obvious by 
looking at it) or there is a controller that is configured for an external 
drive but it isn't attached (typically Emulex SCSI controllers do this.)

Your next step is to look at the labels on the cards and write down an 
inventory of all the cards that are plugged in.


This is the tape drive, you can install VMS from this, and *IF* someone 
could tell me how the boot.fs is constructed we might be able to make a 
bootable tape.

>EZA0 (08-00-2B-1D-DC-29)
>Besides "show dev" command, do you know any other commands
>that can show
>1. the size of memory in system

         SHO MEM

>2. each harddrive size.

         Actually you can tell this from the above (almost)
         RF31 = 140MB
         RF72 = 1GB

>3. cpu type

         That's shown when it powers up, it is a KA660. (All 4000/200's are)
         The cool thing about this processor is that it is the "fastest" VAX
         you can put into a pure Q-Bus only system. Once you get to the
         VAX 4000/300 and above the CPU and memory are on their own "special"
         bus and the Q-bus is attached through the side.

         Its about 5VUPs (5 times the speed of an 11/780)

>for this system. Sorry, I am lack of manual for this sytem.
>Appriciate your help.

Other monitor commands of interest:
         HELP - summary of commands
         SHO QBUS - List Q-bus i/o modules
