Subject: Re: VAX 4000-200 NetBoot
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Hank Lee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/17/2000 19:34:42
Thank you so much for your very useful and detailed info
for me. I am digging into this system now. Hope can get it
work very soon.

Thank you

Hank Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck McManis" <>
To: "Hank Lee" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: VAX 4000-200 NetBoot

> At 02:17 AM 12/17/00 -0800, Hank Lee wrote:
> >Chuck,
> >thank you for your so uaeful information. With " show dev"
> >command I did see the MAC address of the ethernet card.
> >There are 5 bootable devices on the box
> >
> >DIA0 (RFF31)
> >DIA1 (RF72)
> These two above are DSSI drives on the internal DSSI bus, can't be used
> with NetBSD yet.
> >DUA0 (RA81)
> This is a drive connected to a MSCP controller, it if isn't a CD-ROM then
> this is your best bet. However, since different drive types can't be mixed
> "inside" the 4000/200 cabinet (either BA440 or BA213) this means that
> is either an external drive attached to this system (pretty obvious by
> looking at it) or there is a controller that is configured for an external
> drive but it isn't attached (typically Emulex SCSI controllers do this.)
> Your next step is to look at the labels on the cards and write down an
> inventory of all the cards that are plugged in.
> >TK70
> This is the tape drive, you can install VMS from this, and *IF* someone
> could tell me how the boot.fs is constructed we might be able to make a
> bootable tape.
> >EZA0 (08-00-2B-1D-DC-29)
> >
> >Besides "show dev" command, do you know any other commands
> >that can show
> >
> >1. the size of memory in system
>          SHO MEM
> >2. each harddrive size.
>          Actually you can tell this from the above (almost)
>          RF31 = 140MB
>          RF72 = 1GB
> >3. cpu type
>          That's shown when it powers up, it is a KA660. (All 4000/200's
>          The cool thing about this processor is that it is the "fastest"
>          you can put into a pure Q-Bus only system. Once you get to the
>          VAX 4000/300 and above the CPU and memory are on their own
>          bus and the Q-bus is attached through the side.
>          Its about 5VUPs (5 times the speed of an 11/780)
> >for this system. Sorry, I am lack of manual for this sytem.
> >Appriciate your help.
> Other monitor commands of interest:
>          HELP - summary of commands
>          SHO QBUS - List Q-bus i/o modules
> --Chuck